Friday, 6 February 2009


Now, i could go three directions with that heading.

The first, is to do what Miss told us to do in English, I have a Dream! Martin Luthor King style. Make it a doggy version though, so we can be relevant to our coursework.Dont ask =P

The second, is to burst into song. Abba's to be exact! I have a dreammmm.... a song to siiiing =)

Only i cant sing =D

So Instead, I'll cryptically mention my two pretty creepy dreams.
Now you say creepy to people, and they think, horror, weird, etc.
My two dreams were about two guys =P
And no, as Sophie asked, they were not 18 rated =P
It kind of explained quite alot to me though, in that one of those dreams, was about a guy i once liked, and still slightly do. I didnt realise how much until my dream (which ive had ones almost exactly like it before) had him telling me its unlikely we'll go out, and I tell him how its okay because i knew that and expected it. By the end of the dream though, thats apparently disreguarded =P So from that im getting that i would still give anything to be his, but Ive given up wishing for it.
The other one involved being snowed in and sleeping. That was all. But the guy was lovely. Obv names arent gonna be mentioned =P So Im guessing the wish for closeness and being wanted is high on my sub concious's mind =P

Ahhaa im such a freak =P

Its snowing again
I reaaaally dont like snow. Love Snowdays. Hate snow =( I will grant that it looks pretty. However it is cold and wet and yucky.

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