Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Alot of my posts seem to be overly depressing. Sorry! =D Only place where i can babble everything out =) And apologies I havent blogged in a while. PURE LAZINESS Tis bliss =)
(Is it bliss? Is it bliss? yes it is!! -- Delirious =P)

I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And a hug =) Not just any hug! Either an annoying swingy hug which normally i hate, curtusy of the guy who is too tall! =/. Or a mike hug. Im leaning towards a Mike hug, however being sat here blogging means its tricky to get a hug or make coffee.
Hmmmmmmmm. =/ =P

So some good news then =D

Am going out with the overly hot Mikus =D Or Mike, or Micheal, or Hottie depending on what my mood is at the time.

I feel like someone properly cares for the first time in a while, so im pretty damn happy =)

Might also help i like him overly =D
Ive been accused of being a girl, and too happy. I blame him!! =D

It was even hard (Get this =P) to help out Rach-The-Giggles because i was that happy =P She asked me to depress an overly happy Rhiannon =P Normally i can sober her up pretty quick =D But I couldnt!! =P lolllll

Im such a freak. =P Im honestly just waiting until he realises how much of a freak i am and run away, but as he put it, he wouldnt have the energy to run away =P

Downside, fiveawesomeguys ended ='( Charlieissocoollike (<3) is still going though =D

Pshwaw i have so much random energy that i want to blog out but im really really too lazy to =P

Next post may be more interesting. Maybe, hopefully. Need to remember to do my identity one! =D

Bored. Babbling. Bye =)

Hmm so whats been happening....


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