Monday, 9 March 2009

Who I am hates who I've been.

When I was younger, for reasons that Im not going to use as an excuse, I was a complete bitch.

I've been listening to Relient K for a while now, and they have a great song called "Who I am Hates Who I've been'.

This is true =)

I was unbelieveably defensive, totally rude and way too violent. Even I cant believe how terrible I was.

And Im so, so sorry.

I could make excuses, explain why I did it, why i never liked insulting someone, or hitting someone, but Im not going to.
Because the blame was mine, whether i had an excuse or not, I did it and Im sorry.

One day, I'll be able to apologise to the people at my old school for what I was like. I have changed. I just hope I can get the guts to do it soon =) =P

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