Wednesday, 18 March 2009


Had an interesting talk with three very interesting people today.

It was on the subject of Christianity.

Now having doubts myself, I guess I'm not the best person to talk to about Christianity as a whole.

The person I spoke to said to me very clearly, "I believe you're not so much a christian any more. You have changed. In the year that i have known you, you have changed."


Well I have changed for the better more reccently.

But is moving away from church as a whole something that is a good change or a bad one?

Its different, thats for sure. I like that I have changed, Im liking a bit more who I'm becoming....

Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm =)

1 comment:

  1. Just because you have changed doesnt make you any less of a believer. I think the closer you draw to Christ the more like him you become and less like what people call "christian."

    Change is good learning to love and accept ourselves is a good thing. I often get told i have changed alot and dont seem lie a christian, yet am very much a follower of our Lord JC
